Tuesday 15 November 2016 by FIIG Research At FIIG

A happy client sends us a note

Phil from Adelaide was so pleased with our service he sent us a note – while we wouldn’t usually publish these, he provides some insight into his experience which we thought you might find useful

thank you

Hello Jonathan,

My expression of thanks was a bit more succinct than I’d have preferred. In fact, I have enjoyed working with you and James very much over the five years of my involvement with FIIG. I really have appreciated the service that you and the team have provided and, as far as I’m aware, are still pretty much alone in providing to smaller bond holders in the Australian market.

For your interest, I have very largely been guided by your advice and, as a result, have enjoyed a return of 9.89% over the five years and one month of my association with FIIG. (That is calculated on the basis of $-days (i.e. $s multiplied by days held) for each bond held. It included averages of 6.23% interest plus 3.65% capital gains per annum over the entire period.) A pleasing aspect for me was that on only one of the 26 bonds that I held did I make a loss (on capital + interest basis). That was on the AXA Oct 2016 bond about which I got nervous in June 2012 and sold at a loss. I am aware that it recovered afterwards and I’m sure that, had I held it longer, it would have been nicely profitable!

Of course, I still hold the Sydney Airport bond and will be back into bonds in a more serious way in the future, so am keen to keep our account open.

So thank you very much for your diligence in looking after our interests. I look forward to continuing to deal with you in the future – and, as I said, I look forward to meeting you if and when you come to Adelaide sometime in the future. For that matter, I will be happy to introduce friends and others to folk in your Adelaide office when it is open.

Kind regards,

Philip from Adelaide

This note is published as an original copy and has not been edited.